Joyce Kim, L.A.

Pie Paper

Pie Paper is a great looking creative publication outta New Zealand. A healthy mix of art, science and pretty pictures. The image below is from their launch at Semi Permanent in Auckland. You can order it online for a fiver.

Calendar Givwveaway


Here’s a novel way to keep track of your feelings: a Life Calendar from those crafty folks over at Brigada Creativa. Life Calendars is a series of a different calendars which highlights an aspect of life. “How was your day?” is the first of the serie. The 365 days are represented by an emoticon that you have to draw as the day has gone: very good, good, regular, bad, very bad. This is a great way to let people know how you are feeling, without saying a word. I love this thing so much, I want to buy one and give it away to one of you. 

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