by It's nice that

In among the rise of niche magazines, there are certain titles which though I can appreciate their design values and content selection, the subjects won’t ever fully resonate with me. Not so (I hope!) with the newly-launched Kindling Quarterly, a Brooklyn-based title which aims to create “a thoughtful dialogue about fatherhood that is missing from our cultural landscape” by “playfully assessing and celebrating the multitude of experiences that form contemporary fatherhood.”
The brainchild of editor David Michael Perez and creative director P. August Heffner who acted after being surprised at the lack of publications which spoke to their notion of being dads, the magazine is a fine-looking thing which they hope will have a broad appeal beyond those with first-hand experience of bringing up kids.
A stylish remaining of one of society’s most evolved roles? We’d say Kindling Quarterly has the recipe for real success.

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